
Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin, seen as a sacrificial lamb

Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin, seen as a sacrificial lamb of the Jewish community, was convicted on 86 charges of financial fraud in November 2009.  The charges included; bank fraud, mail and wire fraud and money laundering.  Prosecutors claimed his company intentionally defrauded the St. Louis based First Bank with a revolving $35 million loan.  They claimed they faked invoices from meat dealers and inflated the company’s value.  Prosecutors were afraid he would flee to Israel, where under its Law of Return, Jews are granted expedited citizenship.  The Jewish believed that he would be freed and found innocent.  They also pointed out that Italian Americans have not been denied bail due to the possibility they may flee to Italy.

Sholom’s obligation to Agriprocessors, as he understood, was one of faith and family obligation.  This was based on the Commandment, “Honor thy Father and thy Mother.”  As such, he owed a duty to his father Aaron, the Rubashkin’s patriarch.  Agriproccesors were also a religious mission to the family.  It was a religious calling to make kosher products more readily available to the community.  In a short time, Agriprocessors were the international face of kosher.  The family also provided for families less fortunate and did not seek out wealth.  There home in Postville was modest with few luxuries.  Rubashkin is also a father of ten children, including one son with autism.

Sholom Rubashkin’s case illustrates the risks that arise in small jurisdictions where the local prosecutors regularly appear in front of the same one or two judges.  In these situations, particularly when the judge is a former federal prosecutor, there is the potential for frequent communications between the judge and prosecutors.

Jewish United States citizens are urged to write or call the Justice Department as a show of support. During the trial they were urged to pray for a fair trial and that the judge would show mercy.  Principals of Jewish schools said psalms with the children.  However, much to their dismay, he did not receive a fair trial or sentence.

Orthodox rabbis from both the United States and Canada signed a “kol koreh” or a formal announcement, asking the international Jewish community to support Rubashkin.  The announcement was published on their website.  It called for a redemption of captives, or pidyon shvuyim, which is typically reserved for captives of foreign governments.  A prime example of this would be the ongoing effort to release Gilad Shalit from Hamas terrorists.  Entire communities dug into their pockets to help out Rabushkin’s family.  One man called upon his entire family to lecture them on the importance of helping another Yid and another Chossid, especially one who has done so much to help others.


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