World News Flash
04/11/2013 12:43
· Kerry landed in Saudi Arabia to mend the shattered relationship between Saudi and the US. The Saudi had rejected a key responsibility in the UN recently and blamed the US for many Israel sops and its restrain from attacking Syrian regime. Saudi is one of the sponsors of the Syrian crisis.
· IDRO is preparing for its final countdown to launch its Mars mission orbiter on Tuesday. This is its second attempt after its Moon mission. But, this mission has a tint of its long range mission plan that can reach America and the extreme corner of China.
· The US law maker refused any clemency on Swoden who had violated the US law and migrated to Russia. The mission believed to be masterminded by the Chinese secrets service.
· Nigerian migration again causes death and arrests. None knows the reason why people are migrating these days. Irish also are migrating Canada.
· UK business group believe that being with EU is worthwhile for better progress of the UK. It is worth £62-78bn to the UK around 4%-5% of UK’s annual output.