World News Flash
30/10/2013 11:57
· The US NSA Chief justifies the US spying on other world leaders because the main purpose of seeing is to know the leader’s political opinion and he denies any apology.
· UK is heading towards life time unemployment for the youth unless the government does something effective to halt the trend right now. Many western countries lost their market for supplying finished products to the third world countries that lead to economic crisis. These countries have never practiced the theory of “produce to consume and consume what you produce”.
· Yaya Toure has joined a UN campaign against poaching in Ivory Coast. The poaching has become one of the easiest ways to become rich in the African and the Asian countries. Most of the poverty stricken countries facing the same menace.
· Everyone enjoys jokes, but when it comes from woman who is seeking compensation while she was having sex in a motel embarrasses the world. The woman’s employer had not asked her to have sex while in a trip. It was her decision and the court refused any compensation.
· Argentinean President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner’s decision to break up big media groups finally got nod from the court. The critics say the bill had intention to silence the opposition. But, the political lineage of the media was always acting a harmful element for the Democratic set up.
· Israel released another batch of 26 Palestinians as a part of a new initiative for peace talks. The Israel problem may land the world to another World war and this is the problems given birth to terrorism that bled the world community today. America’s blind support on anything Israel does added more oil in the fire.
· Banks are paying penalty for their greed and the CEOs are aggressive to show more profit in the balance sheet hold their job. This time, it is Rabobank for its alleged role in rate fixing scandal. The scandal cost the bank $1bn.
· After Dell, now it is the turn of Google Phone to allow the consumer to customize the phone. Project Ara allows users to buy a basic phone structure and add modules such as keyboard, battery or other sensors. Dell’s concept was a revolution. Will Google phone repeat it?