World News Flash

16/01/2014 17:12

·         Church and the UN for the first time confronted on interpretation of Child abuse. The former never treated child abuse as a crime but an immoral conduct. Many churches and the church goers in India’s Kerala had committed inhuman activities on the Tribal and grabbed tribal lands. The Church had given full support to such immoral activities to establish in the state. Using their political clout in the one of the largest political party they silenced the tribes and even had repeatedly sex with the tribal woman. These were crimes against tribes and humanity. A trial against the Hindus going to church- and the church of Kerala should be initiated and the assets of the church in the state to be confiscated and used for the welfare of the affected tribals and their generations.


·         Former Lebanese PM Rafik Hariri’s murderers will be tried soon. The alleged associates of the Syria-backed militant Shia movement Hezbollah will be tried in absentia. This is a joke.


·         The American Hustle may be the winner of the Oscar this year. The movie got better reviews and viewership. God Movie


·         Mozaffar Khazaee, 59 an Iranian-American engineer was arrested when attempted to steal design of F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. A major jolt to Iran’s technology and  prevailing deficit in the military technology.


·         The World Bank warns economic crisis again that would be more disastrous than the one the World had. The economic crisis is due to third world countries’ refusal to supply raw materials to already matured western industries which maintained the economy in a better condition and the wage level struggling to match with the thinning margin. Thinning margin is due to over production. Instead of finding new fields and products that can solve problems of humanity the world relied on producing more to create artificial growth and employment growth. A mistake none would like to forgive. Moreover most of the inventions have already solved the present requirement of a man to survive till 60 years of his life span. From food to cars,, bank balance and technology everything reached a form of saturation. Freebie on everything added more trouble to the ailing economy’s woo.



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