World News Flash

03/12/2013 12:15


·         The US Vice-President John Biden asked China and Japan to reduce tension in the region. China has warned both India and Japan against any attempt to cross the air and land boundary claimed by it in the respective region. The aggression of China has already created tension in the region and a war looks imminent.


·         Demonstration in Kiev against the EU and Ukraine’s closer relationship that would bring the NATO at the courtyard of Russia created tension in the country. The administration believes a coup would be possible any time now. The Russian interference in Syria might have provoked the vested interests to keep the region under tension. Once Georgia had tried to do it and Russia sent its army to rein in the plan.


·         Egypt is still under tension as the Muslim Brotherhood has rejected the draft constitution that would take the nation out of monarchy paving way to the democratic set up.


·         Once the Chemical weapon episode failed to make no any headway to dethrone the Assad government in Syria; the UN is coming out with a new tactics to impose war crime on Assad. The UN lost its credibility for being the puppet of the vested interests. The time has come to revise and revise the institution freeing it from external influences. But, the financial aid givers may disagree.


·         Amazon; the world’s largest online retailer now testing drones to deliver goods to the customers. So far, drones were the safe bet for the Armed forces for spying and killing the enemies. The transportation may become cheaper in the coming days if it is successful.





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