Wolrd News Flash
21/11/2013 12:55
· The US and Afghan have reached a new security pact that goes beyond 2024. But, a mutual agreement can dissolve the pact any time.
· Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae or CRE detected in the US. It is resistant to mostly all antibiotics and deadly, and they can pass their resistance to other microbes through “jumping genes” or plasmids. One type of CRE was detected in one U.S. state and now it’s spreading to almost 44 US states and also found in the Hospitals and in other countries.
· The US is going to help the Libyan forces to strengthen them. Ever since the fall of Gaddafi regime Libya was like any other Middle East countries had fallen into fight and terrorism.
· A ship carrying dolls with the banned chemicals was detained in the US port and stopped from landing in the US soil. Many chemical used in different Chinese products are harmful and they are forced to use it to sell the products in an affordable prices.
· An unexpected storm killed 16 in Italy and the death toll may rise. Natural calamities have increased much faster and lethal than it used to be. Man’s harassment on the nature is blamed.
· JP Morgan finally agreed to settlement of $13 bn over mortgage-backed securities sold ahead of the financial crisis. CEOs are forced to show result and they did.