Why is China determined to invade Taiwan?

06/10/2021 20:08

China feels the presence of Taiwan as an independent nation invites America into the South China Sea, and China knows that it can easily take over Taiwan like Tibet anytime it wants. However, now the world community is determined to force China to give up its ambition of unified China with Taiwan and Hong Kong. For the last one decade these two blocks have been an appendix in China’s stomach, and the foreign forces and political interference in Taiwan and Hong Kong irritates China, and China is determined to finish the story once and for ever. 
The Quad and AUKU are the outcome of the foreign countries’ attempt to save other small countries to save from Chinese imperialism. This is another factor China sees as a stone in the eye. Though America can invade any country as and when it wishes, as they did in Iraq, why can't China unite its own territory for which it had a treaty to get these two lands released after the colonial era. Now, China is determined to settle the political and geographical problems for the last time. 
Besides, the Corona pandemic has ruined China’s reputation, and it became completely isolated from the world community. Counting all these events, China wants to show the world that it is still willing to face the world and try to find the way out. Sending PLA into the border of India, smoking out the leaders in Hong Kong and sending war planes to fly above the Taiwanese, all the signals the world has to see from a political point of view than treating it as a frustration of China. 
Don't write off China because it has a big role to play in the world.
However, China still has potential to contribute in science and technology from the outcomes of its two-decade massive investment in universities for R& D. The humanity can gain so much from the advancement of Chinese medicines and technology, manufacturing innovation etc. Avoid seeing China as an enemy, but tame China with a co-operative mind set. It would reward the poor nations with pay cheque and some kind of help advancement of Humanity.  

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