When you are ready for a Baby Photo Contest
22/11/2013 11:48
Do you think your baby boy/girl has what it takes to be entered into a photo contest? Well if you answered yes then by all means grab a hold of your camera and shoot, shoot, shoot!
But there some guidelines you should of course follow, for instant do not under any type of circumstances upload a nude or even semi-nude photo of your child in any way possible. The baby photo judges are often looking at the camera look for close up facial expression shots that are truly eye catching. This contest being aimed towards a particular holiday or special event, so be sure to fit it well to the theme. Thus the picture shot and submitted should leave the judges completely speechless, allowing it to jump out at them if you will.
Now being creative can coax that particular "magic moment" that's currently happening, but for instance take your baby out to the park for a ride on the swing set - there's nothing more beautiful than to see a smile shine brightly upon that child's face while they're enjoying the time of their life.
Pictures that have a background will be fine, but the main focus is upon the child. Be sure that the lighting is good, and the deliberate soft focus works well, while some images become carelessly blurry or blog effective that do not go into the winning rankings. If your children are twins or triplets, that can be a difficult task but you can mix-match the pair or combination quite easily - by dressing them in different outfits or the same attire in different colors! Make the results for the judges as easy as possible, by keeping the pictures plain and simple, need be the ones where your baby is smiling brightly, good idea would be to get your child to pose for the picture if possible or just grab for the moment you never know what could happen.
You may need a profession photographer to get the job done, but the rules don’t say you need one. Note no professional photos are allowed. Do not allow studio photos as submissions, i.e. Wal-mart, JC Penny, etc. If you do upload a photo such as these, that will not be accepted let alone judged. Send in a shot that YOU took of your child it will be a lot more meaningful. Some other good guidelines to keep the picture in focus is to ensure that your child is alone in the picture obviously, as with every contest, every judge has their own preferences, look at part entries and you'll get the idea of what those preferences are. Photos with props are adorable, but not always suitable for baby contexts. Props that hide the baby's face make it a lot harder for the judges to see the "true" beauty of your baby.
Some tips pictures of kids in grownup’s clothing is always a great hit to strike, shooting the eye level of your child makes the image appear a lot more enticing and expressive. These judges and modeling agencies are quite often looking for the "happy smiling babies" and hence a good temperament is a must have. Do not let your photos get lost purely due to the size of quality - try to even it all out by entering the largest image allowed. A winner will be chosen from each of the categories: Baby (0-12 months), Toddler (12-24 months), Preschooler (2-4 years), and Big Kid (4-8 years).
Judges may often pick various themes and make the whole situation a more relaxed atmosphere, altogether - the entry date requirements, (images sizes, formats, model releases) are often broken. The wonderful wit of love and spontaneous for the cute baby photo shot should aim towards the happier moments if not funny baby shots making the judges that more eager to place them right into the main page! Be sure to include correct information when entering and don't add too much makeup or attempts to make the child appear "adult-like" this is not advisable. Your camera should have a high shutter speed avoiding taking blurry shots digital cameras are the best outlet.
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