Viral List Building Software
07/07/2012 16:45
A variety of viral list building software can be accessed online at little to no monetary cost. Viral list building applications can especially benefitInternet marketers and Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) entrepreneurs.
For example, the Simple Viral Traffic Plan is promoted as a viral list builder for MLM purposes. By signing up for a free membership, the Planprovides free access to a marketing portal, the viral list building tool, and a portal that provides access to free internet marketing and viral list buildingtraining. Marketers must provide real contact information to use the features. As they invite others, they build a list of quality prospects with credible information. The membership offer is intended to attract people to whom marketers can expose their offers as they build relationships with thevisitors and subscribers.
At, marketers can build their lists simply by reading offers from other members of the ListJoe program. They earn credits whenever they read an e-mail or refer another member. The credits can be used to send the marketer's offer to many random users of the program. There are over 30,000 active double opt-in members at ListJoe, and the site claims that marketers can expect up to 5% conversion from their e-mails. When marketers upgrade their memberships, they are allowed to send e-mail to 3000 members every three days.
ListDotCom is a program that allows marketers to send their e-mail messages to hundreds of members of the program whenever they want. The best part is that marketers do not have to read hundreds of their offers because the site has a policy of sending marketers e-mail notes only from their up line. Marketers’ up-line sponsors are never too numerous, so they do not need to read more than 20 e-mail messages per week. They can maintain their own down-line and send their offer to 5000 random members. However, this facility is only for members who upgrade.
ListCube is a viral list building program, whereby marketers get to send their offer to as many people as they refer. If a marketer refers 10 people to this program, they can send their offer to 10 random members from the program any number of times. If in turn those 10 members the marketer referred then refer 10 more people, they get 100 additional down-line people to whom they can email their offer. This feature can build a marketer's list within weeks.
ListHero is an exponential list-building system and is a seven-step process to building a marketer's list on autopilot. Marketers need to install an HTML code, called an exit grabber, given by the program on their site. The exit grabber requests visitors to their site to join the viral list-building program. When visitors opt in, the program sends them sales messages for the marketer's business opportunity, which demonstrates a sophisticated system available to marketers for a $1 month's trial.
Viral list building software can enhance a marketer's ability to connect with Internet users who visit other websites. On an affiliated website they can promote e-zine subscriptions and e-course enrollments. This way, existing subscribers lead to new subscribers. Once in place, the name-and-address-harvesting software continues to build the database without constant attention by marketer. Some viral list-building software gathers information on the Web page, while others provide pop-up forms. Other software provides both formats, and yet others replace the whole page, aswith a Thank You page.
Marketers enter their e-zine details and embed code on the Web pages that will display the information-harvesting forms. For example, whenever a Web page containing the code displays, the visitor is automatically presented with a selection of e-zines available for subscription. As well, information for subscribing to the marketer's newsletter may appear on another site. This arrangement would multiply the marketer’s chancesfor gaining additional subscriber names and addresses. Maximum viral list building effect can be achieved by ensuring that proper keyword density and the list-building code is embedded on multiple pages of the website.
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