Thinning Hair Problems & Grooming

07/01/2014 13:08

Naturally occurring hair loss or male pattern baldness, as it's often referred to, is due to male hormones. The hormones that are responsible are called Androgens and the most relevant of these hormones in regards to loss of hair is testosterone. When a man has inherited the necessary genes for hair loss, a small amount of testosterone is formed by some hair roots into something called Dihydrotestosterone. This is what is responsible for the actual hair loss. One clinic in America believes that almost all hair loss in men and women is caused by excessive oil called sebum. It clogs the pores of the scalp and inhibits growth of the follicle. Over time, it asphyxiates the root, making it impossible for new hair to grow.



Up to 40% of American men are affected, however, it is not specific to only men. Around 25% of American women are affected by hair loss, also. Most don't realize their hair is thinning until they've have lost 50% of it. It's easier to maintain the hair that's left rather than restore what's been lost. People can take action earlier if they know the facts about hair loss.


According to the Mayo Clinic, hair loss can be attributed for a number of reasons, including hormonal changes and irritation. Hair follicles may experience shorter growth phase or grow thinner due to these reasons. As one gets older, the condition may grow worse. Both men and women may experience pattern baldness, which shortens growth time along with the hairs' strength. Inflammation of the scalp can cause damage to follicles, preventing new growth. Those with autoimmune diseases or vitamin deficiencies may also result in weaker or slower hair growth.


There are many natural elements that can be beneficial for hair growth. Among them are Saw Palmetto extract, Vitamin B6, Zinc Oxide, and Emu oils. Ketoconazole shampoo is the only FDA approved treatment for dandruff and seborrhic dermatitis of the scalp. Ketoconazole is a powerful antifungal used to treat dandruff and also makes the hair appear thicker. It is synthetic commonly used for those with immune suppressing diseases like AIDS or for those undergoing chemotherapy. It may prove to be beneficial for men suffering from androgenic alopecia. Studies show that hair density and the size of the anagen follicles improved greatly with its use. Ketoconazole has also shown to effectively treat the malassezia fungus that inhabits the scalp.


Saw palmetto extract has many health advantages in that it balances hormones in general but it's shown to lower levels of Dihydrotestosterone hormones in men. Once a man exits the puberty phase, this strong hormone becomes active. The greater the amount found in the body will decrease the size of the hair follicles, resulting in the decrease of hair size and durability, which then results in shedding or loss of hair.


Saw Palmetto is known to help those suffering from prostate enlargement by blocking the action of the enzyme 5-alpha. During clinical trials, it was discovered that men with male pattern baldness actually grew hair while taking the medication Finasteride. Research states that saw palmetto can reduce DHT, the hormone that contributes to male pattern baldness.


Vitamin B-6 is a co-enzyme that regulates more than 100 enzymatic reactions. It aids the nervous system in its functioning, regulates hormones and the formation of red blood cells, nucleic and amino acids. It's particularly important for hair growth and if the body has a deficiency, hair loss is one of the effects. Increasing intake of this vitamin may promote hair growth, according to holistic practitioners. Foods that are rich in Vitamin B-6, such as beans, carrots, peas, cauliflower, bran, nuts and eggs may promote better circulation and decrease inflammation. This, in turn, will improve the health of the hair and encourage growth. It will also help get rid of seborrhic dermatitis and dandruff.


A deficiency in zinc can result in loss of hair because without it and other necessary minerals, hair shafts become weak, allowing breakage and slow growth. However, if the body is receiving enough, it will allow for cell reproduction, tissue growth and repair. The oil-secreting glands attached to hair follicles are maintained by zinc, also.


Emu oil has great anti-inflammatory properties that can create skin rejuvenation and produce up to 80% growth of healthy hair. Users of this oil say they have experienced and livening of their hair follicles and growth. It works by increasing the synthesis of DNA in the epidermis. This stimulates the skin regeneration, hair follicle development and growth, and the production of cells around the follicle.


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