The world is leaning toward the rightist ideology

26/05/2022 12:04

IVT Global News Agency/France

The world is leaning toward the rightist ideology


Le Pen the right-wing anti-west and –EU candidate for the French presidency lost but she secured more votes than she got in the last election. Marcon won but his margin has reduced. Now there is a looming rest of the west ethos

Keeping Russia as an enemy and China as a looming threat keeping the other nations as the satellites the western leader America impose sanctions and expect, sometimes demanding the small nations to follow suit and dance to the drumbeat of the west.

Here the west means Europe and America.

This trend now gets less support and many nations in the Asian region stop supporting American sanctions including India against Russia. The counties believed the westerners wanted to dominate this world while keeping the botherations under the threat of social media propaganda. Economic sanctions and other strategic clampdown dance to their tune.

This provoked many nations to look for an alternative option to keep their foreign reserve and even gold they found the best alternatives.

Then why the western world is not realizing this. After the Russia Ukraine war ends, most probably a third world war begin, because, the American supply of weapons fighting a proxy war against Russia means America and NATO are under a direct war with Russia and the Russian will plan a new attack that would astonish the western world.

America believes Russia is an arch-enemy, just filesharing, and the next day they come out with some kind of sanction. The internet, UN quarters, media platforms, and technology all are under the control of the western nations at present. At the same time, many nations are now capable of making their own technology platforms and they are capable to choose the alternative payment system and rout for international payments all are well aware of.

After this war, the world order will change and the western dominance in the world will end, and the rise of the far-right wing in the Europa is a signal for that direction.

The opportunist liberals are going to see their door.


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