The global leaders are coming closer to take China
25/09/2021 13:00
The global leaders are coming closer to take China The world has moved from the fear of pandemic, and the global leaders are coming closer to take China as soon as possible. This attempt seems to have been triggered by the gossip in the world that China has deliberately released Covid-19 virus from its Wuhan lab to contain the world nations from competing and even nailing China in its scientific and trade progress. The world community is coming together to fight China, a lone developed nation that has shown the world anything possible in the world if you have will and determination. The Tian men Square Eve was a dark patch on China’s history, but from there the Chinese leadership has focused on the welfare of the people using capitalism and its essence while upholding the political ideology of Mao. World community has to learn from China how can the humanity be taken from abject poverty to surplus and welfare society. If there is hunger and illness where politics and its role in human life?The growth of China was tremendous, and it has become the manufacturing hub of the world while the EU and American labs were struggling to innovate and introduce new products in front of the global consumers. The only example that showed some sign of progress was Apple I-pad, I-pod and iPhone. But these products were again manufactured in China. The reason behind the out sourcing is cheap labor and more margin if anyone manufactures in China. In the meantime, the American soldiers were wasting their time and the tax-payer's money fighting the wars of someone for nothing. America lost money and men in the wars and gained nothing other than the title of world police. The image of America was tarnished post the World Tower mishap and consequent adventure of America in Iraq. Today Iraq is not a democratic country but a mess, and the lives of Iraqis are nothing better than hell. All this has gained nothing for America, while China was investing their time and money in the lab for innovation to get out of the bad name of a copycat. The Chinese academies earned accolades and China won the Nobel prize too. The image of China as a global leader in military and economics has become an unquestionable fact. That is the time Trump started mulling China in its currency manipulation and trade deficit, many Chinese firms have been black listed, and the G5 episode has landed a top Chinese executive and CEO in the American jail. China looked furious, and it is believed that China has suffocated by the world community. Because of this China has leaked the Covid-19 virus that has harassed the world community while China engaged itself and became busy in rebuilding its economy. Now, the world community is trying to take China instead of taking China in the group for the overall growth of humanity. This divisionism, either on North Korea, the Soviet Union, or now on China, adds more crisis to humanity. The fact is humanity ends up seeking humanitarian aid, living in refugee camps. Finally, the nutshell, 90% of all problems now humanity faces are due to human failures and groupism, and the humanitarian aid people are seeking only due to human failures and political groupism.The Covid-19 vaccine is not reaching the needy, the food is not reaching the hunger-stricken stomach, education is not reaching the majority of the children, employment is not getting generated enough to employ the able youth except they get some jobs in terror camps and terror jobs in the form of out sourcing. The women and children are suffering from anemia and epidemic, the vaccines are available only for the rich as they are priced to loot, most of the people can't imagine getting a dose. Over all, the medical companies made money, the hospital grabbed money for the next ten years of their operational cost. Exploitation of corporates when humanity lands in crisis is the bitter reality, something the world community faces today, besides the tension between nations and the terror group of troubles they undergo every day.<span class="EOP SCXW89633296 BCX8" data-ccp-props="{" 201341983":0,"335551550":6,"335551620":6,"335559739":160,"335559740":259}"="" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; user-select: text; -webkit-user-drag: none; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent; font-size: 12pt; line-height: 19.425px; font-family: " times="" new="" roman",="" "times="" roman_embeddedfont",="" roman_msfontservice",="" serif;"="">
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