On-line Reputation Management

04/11/2013 10:55


In the wild, wild world of e-commerce, people's opinions spread like wildfire across the internet, and a favorable Online Reputation is the competitive edge that spells the difference between market acceptance and total oblivion.

Free blogs have given everyone with access to a computer a platform from which they can speak to the world. Negative comments about your company affect its image and the consequences can be damaging, or even devastating, to your business goals. Potential investors may hesitate to invest in your company and turn their attention to untainted ventures. Based on what they've read or heard on the Web, employees may not want to work for your organization. If any dissatisfied customer posts a negative comment about your product or service on a blog, your corporate image becomes tarnished. Yes, you need effective Reputation Management as part of your business model.

Suppose a software-enabled-control specialist advised you to use key words not related to your site or your service. Then, Google discovered it and banned your site from Google Search. You lost business. If a search engine optimization strategy delivers your news as spam on Bulletin platforms, your message and company will be banned. Suppose you are running beauty products, and a customer has a reaction after using your products. He posted the news and concern about your product on internet platforms and forums have taken it for discussion. Your sales go down, your investors desert you, and your market share declines. And to complicate matters more, the health department starts an inquiry into your product. Your business is at risk when your online reputation is at risk! An

Online Reputation Management expert can help.




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