Offering the olive leaves of peace by the Middle East nations; UAE foreign minister meets Abbas regime in Syria for the first time after the last war.
22/11/2021 22:42
Offering the olive leaves of peace by the Middle East nations; UAE foreign minister meets Abbas regime in Syria for the first time after the last war.
The ferocious war between the Abbas army and the rebels supported by the Western powers has bled the nation enough and killed many. The Abbas regime got the strong support of Russia, and the Russian forces arrived long ago to defend the Abbas regime fighting the rebels. Then the Russian air force bomber was shot down by the Egyptian F-16, which has created a lot of irritation and suspicion between the Russian government and the West. The Russian military believed it was America that tipped off the position of the Russian bombers that met the ill fate of destiny when shot down by the F=16.
Ever since Russia decided to smoke out the NATO, the Western allies from the region, supporting the terror group that treats America as their enemies, the new bugle of war started blaring in the region. Both China and Russia supplied the terrorists with enough weapons to smoke out the US force even from Afghanistan. Eventually, America, keeping its tail between the legs, retreated like a coward inviting criticism from all over the world leaders.
The terrorism of the Islamic world though founded and fended by the US; later on turned them into the enemies of their creator.
Now, the Islamic forces fight war against America and its allies after the fall of Iraq that triggered surge of the Islamic terrorism in its lethal form.
The arrival of modern technology and social media helped these small guerilla groups to communicate and get access to the markets where easy availability of light and lethal weapons from China and Russia poured in. It also helped them grow faster and attack the European cities frequently.
In the meantime, Russia locked horns with Ukraine and captured a few territories of the former Soviet Union, as Putin kept his ambition of the Eurasian nation theory close to his heart. Abbas's regime was hated by the American and European policy makers but supported by Russia, which turned a war bugle and became a golden opportunity for Russia to take a position against the Western presence in the region which Russia believes a threat to its own interest.
The Black Sea and the Red Sea region are still a flash point between Russia and the Western forces, while the south China Sea is a flash point between the Chinese and the American navy.
The world may be heading towards another war after the pandemic lockdown. However, the olive leaf offered by UAE to Abbas regime shows taming the temprature of the Islamic anger against Abbas, and they look ready to accept the regime, at least for the time being. Besides, it may be a strategic move as the ability of the Biden regime to lead the world again is a question mark in front of the world now as well.
This is the chance Russia was waiting for. To keep the NATO forces away from there region. This initiative of the United Arab Emirates Foreign Minister, Sheikh Abdallah bin Zayed, maybe a mile to soften the situation.