News Flash
08/10/2013 10:44
· President Obama toughened stand – refuses to budge on demands of Republicans since he believes that they are demanding too much to do their job of approving the budget.
· Ben Bernanke will be replaced by Ms Janet Yelle . President Obama nominates her as the next Fed-Reserve chairman. The new nominee had taught in Harvard and London School of Economics and held much key position in the US. Her nomination may be approved by the senate.
· Andrew Parker MI5 Chief warns that the Islamic terrorists a threat to the British citizens. It was the UK and the US had designed, funded and trained the Taliban, the first Islamic terrorist in the form of freedom fighters. This was against Najibullah Regime. When the Soviet forces left Afghanistan the terrorist stared getting weapons from the Chinese and the Russian regime to smoke our American and the other NATO forces. Today Islamic terrorism has become a threat to the world. The country benefited financially from the terrorism was Pakistan. They got a lot of financial aid for using their land by the Terrorist against the Soviet forces.
· EU calls for Mediterranean patrol to detect and force the migrants to return . The rent Italian boat tragedy forced the EU to detect the threat of African migrants to EU region.
· President Dilemma Rousseff demands the US and its allies "must stop spying on other countries. The recent spying on foreign leaders by the US and the Canadian counterparts invited worldwide protest. Brazilian media reported that the Government heads were spied by the Canadians. They summoned the Canadian ambassador to protest.
· UK has decided to establish diplomatic relationship with Iran. The new wind favoring the new regime in Iran may boost better relationship with the western world and Iran. But, the spying on Iran may become easy for the western world now.
· Chinese police fired at Tibetan protestors and injured them. The Tibetans have been protesting against the Chinese invasion and illegal possession of Tibet –a sovereign nation. China had illegally taken possession in Tibet throwing out then government. Failure of India government to protest in time encouraged China to deepen its heel further in Tibet. China has been a threat to all its neighbors for want of water and new natural reserves of energy. The two growing economy in the region –China and India may need more energy sources to feed its growing industries and billowing economy. This competition may invite an impending war in the near future. The symptoms are visible these days Chinese army invaded into the Indian Territory twice and thereatened Japan on a dispute on an island. The Indian clout in the Asia seems to be threat to China and they try to contain India from influencing the other Asian nations. Increasing presence of Chinese submarines in the Indian Ocean added more fuel to speculation.
· Alcatel- Lucent a Telecom manufacturer to cut 14% work forces to cut costs. This will save $1.4 bn. France will suffer more. The company has got at present 14000 work forces.
· Anti-Tobacco law has got more teeth to discourage young smokers. The EU lawmakers tightened the noose further restricting sales...