News Flash
13/10/2013 10:33
· As a part of persuading Chinese investors to invest in the UK’s ailing economy Chancellor George Osborne during his visit to China has announced relaxation of visa rules for Chinese... It was made difficult for Asian migrants to visit UK as they had tightened the Visa rules to contain legal and illegal migrants.
· The African Union asked Kenya to write to the UN Security Council seeking a deferral in the International Criminal Court (ICC) case against Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta, who faces charges of crimes against humanity. They agreed to seek immunity for any sitting presidents facing ICC case. There is a rumor in the street that the in India the UPA government under the leadership of Sonia Gandhi UPA Chairperson had secretly supplied radars and other technical help and weapons supplied to the Sri Lankan Army and to Sri Lanka’s Rajpaksha Government which caused death of hundreds of civilians, (Must be revenge to teach lesson to LTTE a lesson as it was responsible for the death of late Rajiv Gandhi.) It he rumor is true, Ms. Sonia Gandhi, Dr. Manmohan Singh and Defense Minister A .K Anthony should be tried in ICC for war crime against humanity and civilians’ death in Sri Lanka. Does the world’s conscience listen?
· An Indian temple premise turned devotees’ mass graveyard as many devotes died in a stampede that cause when a rumor of breaking a bridge erupted. This year, many Hindu rituals and events faced death and calamities.
· The French far-right National Front (FN) started gaining strength in politics of France as their candidate won by-election recently. The result is considered as a barometer of national mood something the political commentators taking seriously instead of ignoring. The President’s Farncois’ party was supporting the left ally in this election which failed to make a mark.
· Columbian governor Kiko Gomez was charged of murder case. He was arrested for the charges of murdering political rivals. This is not the first time rulers murdering or using Police to suppress political rivals.
· Ahmet Uzumcu, of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, said he wanted to verify the rebel sites too and to get access to the chemical weapons’ sites in the opposition stronghold. Today, it is not clear who had used chemical weapons against the civilians in Syria that caused death of many. There is a chance the rebels used it to drag America into the civil war to win easily.
· International Monetary Fund chief, Christine Lagarde warns - in case of the impending US default happens it can lead to another global recession because many investors, especially, China invested trillions in the US Bonds and other assets. For the first time the US will become a defaulter.
· The cost of drugs and medical care for the Europe in treating Cancer cost 125 bn Euro which is a burden for the Union. The Cancer has become one of major threat to the western world. It has affected productivity and medical expense both for the individuals and the governments.
· The former Apple Chief advices the Company to use it huge cash reserve to acquire big companies and expand its horizon.