News Flash
15/05/2014 11:00
The Mine disaster makes Turkey mourn. The mine workers life has always been overlooked by Governments and rate-hole mines are the most dangerous in the world. Open Mines should be the norm across the world.
China flexes muscle on its all neighbors. The latest one is with the Vietnam in the South China Sea. Both the claimants are trying to get a foot old on the natural resources in the region. The clash many lead to restlessness in the region for the days to come.
The tension elevated between rebels and the security forces in Ukraine add more fuel into the fire. The Pro Russian rebels declared freedom and demands annexure to the Russian federation. The western nation’s over ambitious regime changes in the Middle East finally reached at the courtyard of Russia. The attempt to suffocate Russia including Ukraine into the European Union was a strategic move to get access closer to the Russian territory as a punishment to Russian defense on the Syrian regime that aborted the regime change in that country. The tension will continue.