New Vacancies
04/07/2012 15:08
1. We are looking for Journalists who can post Hot News every day. This is not a paid position but you can build portfolio. We will pay from the revenue generated from the Ads. 75%
2. We are an online Communication Company- Undertakes Advertising and Marketing Promotion strategies, Brand Promotion and other Creative Activities. At present we are looking for Sales Agents who can work on commission basis to sell our Communication Unique Products(CUP) to Manufacturers and Marketing firms.Remuneration -15% on net billing. Interested candidates may contact :
3. We are looking for Marketing Representatives to develop new clients for Content Management, Advertising Creative, TV Commercial, Corporate Films etc.. You can work from home and you will be paid based on the revenue generated per month. We pay flat 15% either on-line- or by cheque.
Job Profile: Marketing Representative.
1. US
2. Asia
3. Canada
4. UK
Please contact :
4. We are looking for a Graphic Designer on part time basis. If you are located in Delhi-South Delhi and willing to work from the Copywriters Home you may contact :
Salary- Rs.5000/-
You should know every Packages including Flash, Page Maker, Illustrator, Coral Draw and Photoshop....
5.The International Voice Tribune - Online News looking for Journalists and Bloggers for their on-line contents on revenue sharing basis. We pay 75% of the revenue from the ads. You can choose a topic of your choice from the given Topics. The best News and Article will be given front page space. US, EU, Asia, Africa, Latin America & Canada
for more details please visit: