National Chess Day

30/09/2021 11:11

National Chess Day 

Want to play the game of genius? Chess is a game where you do not need a big court and an athletic body and high calorie nutrition to play! You can play with your friends and family members; besides, you can play with the computer at your home. Chess games sharpen your mind and thinking power. 

National Chess Day in the US. It comes on the second Saturday of October. On October 9, 1976, the former President Gerald announced and designed National Chess Day. Till now, Americans follow this day with great fervor and enthusiasm. 

 Without any age or gender discrimination in this game, anyone can play this game. The chess players are treated as geniuses. If you want to be a chess master, start today! This game is universal and gender neutral. According to the latest statistics in the US, around 20-30 million people (about the population of Texas) play this game today. 

What makes this game popular is this game started in India much before 500 BC, and the kings and royals used to play it by mortgaging lands and provinces. The famous temple in India's Ambalapuzha Palpayasam (a pudding made from milk, sugar, and rice) is still offered as a memory of the Lord Krishna defeating a king in a chess game and making him surrender all his kingdom. The game does not end with kings, they have been the favorite games of feudal lords of India and brahmins.  

  1. 500 BC - 600 BC (Chess' was first mentioned in Bhavishya Purana around 550 BC)

Chess began in India.

  1. 700 AD

Chess became popular in Persia.

  1. 800 AD

Chess got popular in Arabia.

  1. Chess reached America after 1641.

"The number of enthusiasts in this game increases day by day, around 172 848 active players are enthusiastically following this game" 

The top contestants like Gary Kasparov and Viswanathan Anand were decorated as the world champions of this game. As the international chess game history witnessed till date, the lowest moves ending the game were two and the longest moves were 5, 949 to win the game. 

"Chess is a game in which you sacrifice the opponents' men, declare check-out-out for the minister and the queen asking the king to surrender" 

Many key figures of America, George Washington, Ben Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson, were good chess enthusiasts and played games that popularized it. 

"The celebration of National Chess Day spans many activities" 

  • Host a chess tournament at your housing colony, club or call all your friends and conduct a game. 

  • Some seasoned players offer classes to teach newcomers to help them learn and become a budding player to grow as champions tomorrow. 

  • "Chess City" is a famous place in America where people observe national chess day every day, and people buy chess sets from all over the world. 

  • The Benefits of chess invited the attention of the scientific and medical world to encourage people to play this game. 

Chess consumes time, but it is a game of genius and sharpens your mind. Observation power and strategy and tactical skill to outsmart the opponents through moves, all you learn in chess you can even use in international trade. Being a mental game, it does not harm or cause any injury while playing. There is no history of accidents like football or any other games. Still, this game attracts the attention of the world. 

"Chess helps us to see things in other perspectives"  

# This helps for better interpersonal communication and office life too. You can win friends and place your points In Front of others, accepting other perspectives. 

# Chess boosts your creativity. Creative thinking is what the chess game is all about! 

# If you want to be a strategic thinker and a better planner, learn, and play chess occasionally, this game makes you a beer planner. 

# Chess helps reduce cognitive decline and delay the effects of dementia once you grow old

"Learning chess is not a hard task as you think" 

  1. Join a chess club and take the chess classes from the masters. You can also take classes online. There are plenty of videos on YouTube these days to learn a chess game. Most of them are posted by veterans and the Champions. 

  2. Unlimited chess game apps are available on the app store, and most of them are free. You can download, play, and learn this game (DYI) any way easily to master this game. 

  3. Buy a chess set and start playing whenever you have time, after learning the rules of the game. 

  4. You can buy chess sets at any sports store or buy them online. 

The USCF offers many benefits for chess enthusiasts on this day.

  • On National Chess Day, The USCF offers tournament discounts. 

  • The USCF offers promotional assistance to the chess clubs. 

  • In 2020, the Senate declared October 7-13 as national chess week. 

National Chess Day becomes bigger and better with more promos, events, and participation of enthusiasts and players every year. 





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