26/03/2016 13:10


•    Obama regrets the military-led vengeance and cannibalism on the leftists in Argentina in the 80s. Time has come for the US to do the same thing on Iraq and turning the world into such a turmoil. Herre those who won the Iraq war was Saddam Hussain, before his death and going out of power he had distributed all his army’s arms to the terrorist to fight the war he failed to finish to defend the sovereignty of a nation. He might have been a dictator, another dictatorship is not the answer to stopping a dictator. Hundreds of the republican guards and Iraqi soldiers who had refused to render were moved and buried alive by the NATO military land movers- yes, buried them alive, the most dangerous and inhuman action ever since the holocaust. Win justice.

•    Kerry’s diplomatic endeavour to get North Korea tamed halting its Nuclear adventure reached nowhere when China refused to put any more pressure on North Korea as they don’t have that much influence on the present N-Korean regime. Win peace.


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