21/06/2016 17:32
* North Korea fires 2 new Missiles and one failed. How long the world will take to walk another mile to have a peace with North Korea instead of isolating it? Ideology may be different for many; it doesn't mean you have to isolate the people from the rest of the world. This discriminatory regime has given birth to terrorism in the world. The UN is still controlled by the west, another reason of angst. Will the world wake up?
* A Girl died in Washington accepted death over medical treatment to save her from pain which was more painful than death. The World is debating about the freedom the children; and should they enjoy power to choose death and life before they grow up. But, it is not the world bears the pain but the patient, so the latter has right to choose.
* Congolese Vice President Jean-Pierre Bemba was sentenced to 18 years with the charges of human right violation. Here in today, the Human right is the private property of some nations those have killed millions in the world with guns and bombs. They even did it across the borders of many nations. Justice lost its faith in itself.
* Hillary Clinton's rating is going up and the donation is piling up in her bank accounts. Now, the question is whether American can afford a female president at this juncture when ISIS and Russia are flexing mussels. Win America.
* Climate change is a new fashion for every political heavy weight across the world to attend the five-star conference and make statements that would elixir the world. And most of them make speeches in the air conditioned halls...
*The war-torn Columbia, the renowned narcotic capital; finally found its exit point from ending a civil war and reached a point to prosperity. That is the wisdom everyone should incubate and cherish forever. Win peace.
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