16/06/2016 18:39


* CIA has used many painful interrogation methods on the detainees after the 26/11 attacks. Now it is found that more inhuman treatments used than it should have been and the democracy and the human right are used as an excuse America had invaded Iraq and it has violated them many occasions even before invading Iraq.


*The South China Sea is becoming again a hot point when the Japan and India going to undertake joint naval exercise and a Chinese ship has reportedly shadowed an American carrier recently. There was no hot pursuit, but China is concerned about the intention of the US at their shore. Chinese spy ships were allegedly found in the disputed territory close to Japan as well. The cold feelings and the cold war have already there in the South China Sea.

* The call for US officials to attack Assad regime for a regime change is not good for the world. It is not America to decide who should rule a sovereign state, but the people of the Nation. The mistake of the Iraq and Libya are in front of the world. Russia will not sit idle if the US fighters fly above Syria.

* Gun is available in black market from the Russian and Chinese arsenal depots, even if the American law restricts arms sales, the terrorist and the felons can easily buy one from the black market; a lucrative business for the Chinese and Russian arms which are lethal and light.

*A meteoritic origin dagger found in Kind Tutankhamen and the Egyptian land had history of dealing with the aliens and it is also believed that the world had very close relation with the aliens once upon a time, otherwise it would have been difficult for the humans to build such a huge stone based Tombs without having cranes and other machinery.


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