12/04/2016 17:19





* Brazil finally found a way to get away the tainted leader – the President, oust him from the premises by impeaching, if the leader fails to resign. The tussle between the opposition and the ruling group has been going on sometime ever since the news of corruption came out. Corruption is the ghost always the political class found as their predator which destroyed many promising leaders and their career. When the Brazilians wanted to replace the leader amicably the president- Dilma Rousseff was reluctant to shed powers, now found the gate. The voting will take place sooner than the world expected but, Putin is the leader still remains as the favorite of the Russians, there is no leader in the world who got such a popular support and the leadership qualities and planning he has. The western world envies him.


* American president like other UK leaders finally accepting the mistake of interfering in a sovereign country, Libya, and Iraq are the tow example in front of the world. The question is who whether the NATO or the US and the UK combine to decide who should rule a nation. The conscience of the world is a question mark in front of the world community. One should explore the possibility of the leaders who send the force to intervene and kill the leaders for a trail by the ICJ(International Court of Justice) -even if they were dictators, the invasion was a crime. If it was a crime the International court of Justice should find a way out to start a trial at par with the procedure of the post second world war trial. The third world war has already started but this time, the game of war has changed and the traditional army stands helpless to fight the modern war tactics. The easy availability of weapons, especially highly sophisticated light weapons and the demand for the narcotic, and finally the communication that any individual could manipulate using new software and apps, finally the technicians and the educated Muslims joining the war all are new. So the war is more sophisticated and scientific and well planned and executed than it was before. Now, a small individual can cause mass destruction anywhere in the world.


* Outsourcing terror attacks is the post-modern way of fighting the dictators. Now, none can target and bomb a nation the way it used to be done in the war. Instead of nations now individuals without any identity and address are fighting the war, they don't have any nation, any regiment, any unit, any tanks or missiles. The light weapons and small bombs which are powerful to destroy a big market is a reality and the era of the conventional war over. The world should find a way to peace than standing mute and helpless.


*Sex sells always; one of the most seductive elements of the marketing strategy is sex. It is used in a different form but one objective that is to attract. But, female models are more demanding than her male counterpart in seductive sales.


*China is again hero in the region as Taiwan its formidable enemy and envy now claims China abducted a few Taiwanese, the truth is Kenya deported a few Taiwanese illegal migrants to China, as the Kenya has very close relation with the Chine nation and this opportunity China wants to show the world Taiwan is the part of China and China is one country and have controls on Taiwan. Critics see it as a conspiracy.


* Though #Trump is the most criticized and loathed would be president of America he has got one best friend- Putin who believes that #Trump is a talented leader. The New regime in the white house after Obama may find friendship with Putin's Russia and will withdraw from intervening the region leaving Russia after its ambitious Eurasian Union when the European Union is about to collapse after miserably failed to achieve its objective of creating a common market, and losing million to bail out non-sense member nation which is spending thoughtlessly. The real loser is Germany which lost millions to Greece and other's. They won’t get that money back, at least in the coming century; forget near future.


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