11/04/2016 18:26
* The #Trump baiters are posting Satire on the web- as they believe the world is going to submerge if Trump is in the white house. Trump is the need of the hour for America, or else the next presidential election will not take place, before that the America as a nation may even vanish from the world map like the former Soviet Union. The people who supported the invasion of Iraq and that caused today's restlessness in the world and terrorism reached its peak, now yelling aginst someone who is sensible. If Saddam Husain was an anarchist what about the people who decided to invade? They were not less than another terrorist. The last word is Trump will clean up everything, most probably he will apologize to the Islamic world and even he will call the terrorist leadership for a peace deal for which American Army should guarantee protection for the Palestinian state like they had given to Japan stationing the US Army- against the Israeli attack. If Israel sends their Army and air force against the Palestinians the US Army should shoot them down. Now the equation is who should America support, Israel an ally or world peace. Time has come to shed Israel from Amerca's already overburdened wet baggage. If they had done it 20 years ago America could have saved million of tax payer's money and many lives of the US army. Win America.
* If the Afghan soldiers join Taliban it is a matter of concern but not a surprise at all. They are disappointed and none is in a position to restore peace in Afghan, everyone funded and trained Taliban, terrorizing the world of Islamic state now weeping. The only one country can restore peace in the region is Russia by taking over Pakistan and demolishing the terrorist camps. For this Russia has to show determination more than what they have shown in Syria. Pakistan land is used by America to spy on Russia and American ally Pakistan using the fund and infrastructure against its all neighbors and even distributing among the terror groups. The world should show determinations to contain Pakistan taking over it through a war. Or else today or tomorrow the Pakistan’s nuclear weapons- in micro nature will go into the hands of the terror group which will ruin the entire Europe one day, city by city, Airplane and then it will reach New York first, them to California and the other American cities, but then America will be much weaker than it is today. The job will be done easily and the determination of their groups to destroy whoever destroyed the Islamic world supporting Israel will get destroyed well. This is a warning to the world community.
* Ebola virus now spreading its tentacles to new areas, in Liberia. Either Aids or any other dangerous disease was started from the African region for no existing or prevailing reasons. Time has come to conduct a study for the reasons of spreading every disease in this region. Most probably their physiology may have some hidden reasons. And poverty and the life closer to the jungle can also be discovered. Spreading of Islamism is another matter of concern in this region. They even fight for the cause of Islam just after joining the Islamic for some money.
It is a threat looming over the world peace today. Most probably the rejection of whites and brownies to accommodate them in the human group and their proximity to the animal kingdom also is the reason.
* Firework is treated as the symbol of rejoicing and there is fewer festivals and events end with some fireworks. Unfortunately, the fire catches the crackers before the events, taken many lives. This time, it is in Kerala a state of India where the crackers decided to do their job well in advance without any warning. They did it well in advance burning many, killing many and destroying so many.
* China seemed to have executed many without giving the exact figures out, but many Human Right Organizations have started expressing concern over the execution of the political prisoners and others who are against the present waning regime and the corrupts who has eaten the very core of the Chinese economy are the prime victims.
*Finally the Europe woke up to the reality and the Americans and the Canadian may for the first time require Visa to enter the European Union. This is a slight to both countries cannot digest, but unfortunately, the time has come to the EU to shut down its door and keep a watch at the gate. The guest and allies have to wait for some time to get the gate pass. Lost luster and lost trust are the two phenomena prevail today.
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