08/04/2016 19:33


•    Panama Papers storm started taking one after another political head. It has reached the UK territories and blowing above 300 KM per hour speed. Many weak politicians and secret dealing have to surrender or they will blow away like insects, ruin their carriers and many other benefits they enjoy under the political clout. The paper also mentions the Swiss Bank accounts and deposits of many Indian political heavyweights including the Congress president and the vice president Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi respectively.

•    Theft from the baggage on air transport and transit while travelling is becoming common; the poor passenger comes to know about it when he reaches the destination without knowing where  actually theft taken place.

•    Pope has finally accepted the transgender as human beings and creation of the god but the men in the land and on the earth seem to believe the transgender marriages as a crime and sin. This causes these poor soul’s trouble for life with dignity and respect.

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