02/04/2016 11:35


•    #Trump’s suggestion on Korea and Japan to possess the Nuclear weapon is a clear indication of his aggressive foreign policy on North Korea and China. China has been flexing muscle on the small neighbors for some time and a nuclear weapon can tame China.

•    China helps North Korea survive sanctions. The so-called sanction of the western block lost its relevance in today’s world. When the NATO hegemony reaches the border of Russia again, Russia may give out micro nuclear weapons to the hands of the terrorists to use in the EU and North America. So Russia can keep the EU and Americans engaged in crisis’s management. That day is not far off.

•    France may face economic erosion as many Millionaires left France last year and the trend is going on. None knows what force them leave the country but the reality is here to cherish. The security threat is one of the reasons. India is one of the destinations they can check in to do business and live peacefully. Paris got 126,000 millionaires.

•    Tesla car has won the heart of the customer grabbed 2 lac orders within 24 hours. This astonished even the opponents and the competitors besides the management. The car is one of the most liked and demanding vehicles ever since Ford launched one in the market; it is a moving home for everyone.


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