28/03/2016 17:25



•    Trump can save America from another attack. Only he can prevent criminals from Mexico and Militants entering under the veil of Muslim civilians into America.

•    The world slowly turns into a lunatic asylum with injustice for long years and its answer coming up these days. Thesis, antithesis completed and synthesis will follow soon. Because the terrorism is lead by young men while the anti-terror campaign is done by the old fellows who had committed many injustice to the conscience of the world community so far.

•    Pakistani minorities are the target now, the bible and Koran entered a direct war between each other. This war will end when one community is completely wiped out. One side NATO and on the other side the covert war between the Russian and the Chine arms equipped group. The advantage for China and Russia is that they don’t have to send their soldiers to fight a war against NATO; the terrorists are doing the job. Most probably they may be giving funds to the terror groups.

•    Brussels witnessed ugly episode again when the Nazis shouted slogan against the refugees. Now, the world is in a mess, none knows what will happen tomorrow. The revival of Nazism, departure of UK from EU, France leaving EU and NATO, and the other countries follow the suit may end the EU’s meaningful existence. Now, the economically strong countries have no any benefits from the EU, but the poor countries take a lot of loans and not returning.

•    Espionage invited curiosity of the world for long years. This time, it is coming from an aborted episode of a naval captain hails from the US ship. He slept with the prostitute, drunken fine wines and adored a good time with the best women and then was caught and imprisoned. 


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