20/03/2016 12:00
* Russia is the victim of many plane crashes. The region Russia is surrounded by enemies, most probably these Air crash operation might have done by NATO agents as the Russain image was elevated ever since it saved the Abbass regime sending the force to destroy the rebel infrastructures. This was the best operation Russia has undertaken ever since the former Soviet Union disappeared from the Political map of the world. The west still not be interested in the Russian influence in the middle east region. But for Russia, it is the question of its own survival and defence as the NATO slowly swallowing the former Soviet neighbours. This causes a threat to the Russian security. But, the time has come -the west realises its weakness.No more they will be able to control the world with bombs and bullets. Now, the enemy is invisible, threat prevails everywhere and capable of conducting any operation anywhere in the world. Eventually, the Islamic terrorism is the brainchild and the Frankenstein of the CIA, let them enjoy its consequences.
*Brazil is the favourite of every investor these days, but the political drama in Brazil turns the story ugly and confusing. The world has to decide whether the political stability in Brazil is perennial, or else they may lose money if invested blindly. Corruption is the core issue of every political sabotage in the world.
* Illegal fishing is another hot topic these days either between Sri Lanka and India or now, Argentina and China. They capture each other's fishermen and confiscate boats. The problem never seems to be resolved soon as no international authority exist to give a final judgement on the issue. One side, lively hood of the poor fishermen and on the other side violation of the international territory and the security issue.
* Refugee problem is one of the worst issues the world faces today after the food inflation in the previous years. Every time when one dictator will be replaced by another, then a new dictatorship of groups in the form of terrorism will emerge. The world is running on two equations, injustice and revenge. It will continue until the mindset of the existing world theory changes. The present system is the injustice to protect self-interest of the nations, the most powerful the state and the victim will be the weaker one. And, the loser revenge, then supports terrorist groups in funding and logistics..the saga goes on. Life of the refugees and capsized boats are the most pathetic scene of the era.
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