#IVTNews:The Asian continent recently has experienced multiple air crashes.

05/11/2015 11:29

The Asian continent recently has experienced multiple air crashes.Earlier it was Malaysian Airways, now a Russian airliner.The Asian region is enmeshed in the turmoil of terrorism, and air attacks, missiles and guns spit fire every minute. At the same time the West is reeling under economic recession and hunger. The world is heading towards a form of crisis for which world leaders and holy books fail to provide a constructive and long-term solution. There is no era since the Iraq invasion by America that the value of human life has gone down to such a low level. No time to count dead bodies nor enough bandages to dress the next wounded. And certainly, no words can pacify the weeping hearts of those whose breadwinners are gone for good. Time has come to embrace Buddhism and Jainism—the only two religions that entice nonviolent ways of a peaceful life—in order to restore peace in the world…forgetting guns and fear.

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