#IVT NEWS - Top News Headlines of the Week
15/10/2016 15:02
#IVT News: Important News Headlines of the Fortnight
• Wiki leaks have finally proved that it has been working for Russia and the selective news leaks of the Presidential candidates is the clear evidence of Russia playing its card to influence the voters in the US. It is not clear whether the opposition candidates have any role in this episode. Now, the Americans seem to be confused.
• South Africa has reason to cheer. Their wine started getting market and customers across the world including France, the Eden of wine brands. The French realized that their dominance in wine making slowly have taken away from the less known Africans.
• After Hurricane Katrina, now Mathew, the Americans are facing the wrath of nature these days. It seems nature loathe the Americans giving them hard times, may be due to the cruelty they practiced for many years on behalf of Israel. None knows.
• China is in the news again, this time; it is for installing the world’s fastest elevator which travels 67 mt/second; a world record. The Chinese industry and the technocrats seem to be serious these days in research and development than their traditional copying others’ technology. The world will change with time and the Chinese learned a lesson from the recession in a hard way, one can say. Besides, all these China launched the world’s powerful rocket too.
• Woman don’t want to carry a pregnancy something they feel unnecessary, and that is the time when Poland has come out with a law which would ban abortion. The women folks came out to the street and protested, and finally forced the legislators to withdraw the bill. The polish is religious, yet the women are progressive front line fighters.
• The VP candidate and running mate of Trump are different and walking opposite side- The VP candidate is a candidate who conflicts his running mates ‘ ideology of withdrawing the force and mind our own business policy- that Trump had proposed to keep America from interfering in any war for other nation’s favor. America is the world’s worst victim of waging war for others and got burned …for Israel.
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