#IVT News - Hot News of the Week
05/11/2016 12:20
#IVT News – Hot News of the week –Oct-3
• Trump may improve the party and America if voted him into power, but the media across the world, mostly the media dominated by the leftists have created enough fear in the mind of the people and in the economic front, branding him as the next generation Hitler. This is unfair for someone who doesn’t want America to go for war for others and get ruined always, and the US is becoming the world’s worst economy and the most cursed nation. Win America!
• The Russian interest in the US election increasing, and as a proof, the Russian consulate has requested a visit of its diplomats in the polling stations which was declined by the US. This is for the first time America has become a state indirectly influenced by many forces including the international media community and the nation's those surviving on outsourcing money like India. This is unfair for a mighty nation of once upon a time being belittled by the world community turning it a banana republic.
• After Gaddafi was assassinated by a suspected US drone attack, the nation was torn into pieces and the tribal and another ethnic fight are very common. A nation, which was kept together under Gaddafi, a dictator, now a creased paper in the dustbin, like Saddam’s Iraq has become a piece of land full of rivalry and war. Democracy may not be successful everywhere, unless the people adore education and logic before their religious belief. Undated belief in religion and well-designed doctrines run a few religions and they outsmart logic, not because they don’t want the piece, but the dictatorship of some nations, and their injustice, both inside and outside the UN made the world restless and ended up like this. All nations which took part in the invasion of Iraq and other who masterminded the Arian spring should answer the world, and they owe an apology and imprisonment.
• Cuban was always the persona non grata for the US, but after the Obama regime’s friendly approach and successful breakthrough in the Diplomacy, the Cuban products again found interest and market in the US soil. Well done.
• Slowly but steadily China started winning its neighbors to push out America from the south China seas region, the sign is visible in the Philippines foreign policy changes. Two arch enemies – China and Philippines came to gather to get the divorce from the US and asking the US army to vacate with alimony. It is a good idea America vacates it's all foreign Amery camps – with the help of Trumps non-interference policy before being thrown out. America lost its sheen and clout in the word.
• China investing $45 billion in Cairo, helping Egypt to build its new capital. This is economy diplomacy win the Asian nations though China lost its booster to rise anymore. They are just surviving on their bank balance.
• To show its muscle power the Russian fleet cross the English Channel, but they failed to impress the western force. None knows the intention behind such untimely move, In order to help Syria Russia is doing its best to prevent NATO from reaching its border for any form of help to its former sisters, like Ukraine.