#IVT News Flash

19/02/2016 05:45

•    Turkey was attacked again, being the part of NATO raid against the ISIS brought Turkey under the lens of the terrorists now, survived with wounds of its own misdeeds. Turkey's decision to join air raid against the terror group was untimely and dangerous as the country neighbourhood was filled with the terrorist and the other NATO allies live far off. Now, Turkey is in the middle of danger. Noen can help Turkey except its own good sense.
•    Trump shows common sense and blaming the former President Bush for waging war against Iraq sending the world into such a turmoil. The only way is to apologise and pay compensation to the victims of the war both in the Iraqi families and the soldiers who were forced to go to the war field.
•    Surprising the baby boomers who really want to marry once again and try to have a few more children with heir new young nd vibrant wives in the US got a shot in their arm, when an American state Kentucky bill demanding consent of wife to use Viagra something the American old man consume before the dinner to hide his weakness in having sex from his active sexy wife demands to perform day in and day out. Now, she will know his viral virility in advance even if he hide before marriage.
•    The hot pursuit against Russia still again when the US decided to send its F-15 fighters to Finland which Russia's neighbour sharing the border. This is a warning to Russia, but belligerent Russia may not budge as the NATO doctrine of closing toward the Russian border its missiles and Army heading the old Soviet states to join NAToin NATO and EU. The war –now cold in nature may burst into a full-fledged one in future grabbing Russians and the NATO allies into a war platform to test their testosterones.



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