#IVT News
06/06/2016 16:49
#IVT News
• Hillary Clinton has become the first lady who won a major party’s’ nomination to the white house, while she is also the first woman who lost another Democratic candidate and became his own secretary of state, buried under huge election campaign loans then and going to lose to another Republican candidate now and, She will vanish into oblivion; being defeated and given up finally the white house ambition; being lost twice. Win America.
• China is famous for restriction of freedom, now turns to a new controversy on prison labor, many prisoners are exploited repeatedly. The political prisoners are silenced, political opponents are tortured and arrested and many of them vanish without leaving any clue of their mortal remains. There is always the crisis in China; none knows how a giant has fallen into a ditch in very short span of time from being a major economy that challenged the world.
• The D-Day; the world celebrating the memory but how many of us know most of the world war stories were blatant lies and have been written to please the winners by the so called Historians and had manipulated many facts including concentration camp stories and the pearl harbor stories.!!! History was written by liars... more often…
• Aid delivery is sometimes becoming a propaganda stunt, more often a veiled operation for the rebels and the soldiers trapped in the area. Syria stopped the aid by outsiders to their rebels which harm the Abbas regime for a long term and short term. The war in the area is not ending as the Abbas regime’s existence is essential for the survival of the country and the world has witnessed many implosion of the states after the regime change ever since Iraq invasion . The whole Middle East is a mess ever since the invaders have to answer.
• North Korea and China seem to have come to a common platform to protect each other’s interest. China is under threat from the neighbors and the American interest in the region looms over the South China Sea while the west is isolating the North Korean regime.
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