It is unfair calling the U. S. president a felon
15/12/2017 22:10
It is unfair calling the U. S. president a felon, a moniker the Establishment cleverly choreographed throughout the 2016 election campaign. Now, the list of people resigning from Trump’s team is growing and they’re gradually joining the ranks of the Establishment. Destabilizing America is their objective in order to create the cold war-like situation necessary to divide the world into two halves. Then the arms dealers and the media will have enough rhetorical fuel from armament contracts and spasmodic wars to call for a clash that will keep them in the limelight as the negotiators ready to conduct many interviews. It is not the presidents who rule America, but the Establishment. Now for the first time America is ruled by an elected president who can keep the Establishment outside the gates of government, including the media-mafia. Now for the first time Americans have started ruling America. Many nations used to default on their payments to NATO, leaving financial burdens that American citizens had to bear. Now, the president has informed the defaulters they must either pay or take care of their own security—that is a step in the right direction. The Europeans are the real culprits. They used America’s resources for waging the Second World War and now for calming the perpetual Middle East crisis. The world is leaning towards a kind of anemia where humans will not be able to recognize one another except as enemies to be conquered or killed. Europe has been the epicenter of war for many years…and it still is. Trump is not a liability of humanity, but of the Establishment trying to destabilize his government. The war mongers persist….
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