Europe has to defend itself
10/11/2018 23:52
The French president Marcon believes Europe has to defend itself when America is no more willing to fund the NATO and asked all the EU nations and members to shell out their own shares. At present America shoulders, the whole burden of the NATO and EU nations, enjoy the security umbrella which the NATO has created. The irritation between the EU and the US- administration has been visible for some time as the US President is on a mission to cut the wastage of fund and the resources America has been spending on other nations' cause and neglecting its own academic funding, research lab funding, educational facility funding and obviously the growth and investment in the core sector. America landed in a financial crisis after invading to Iraq on behalf of Israel. Without losing a nickel Israel survives, but America is sinking, lost its influence in the international arena, lost its wealth and clout. Now, America is any other nation like Sri Lanka or Malaysia. President Trump has woken up the Americans and pushed them to a new America and an American dream. The lost glory may take time to come back, but the nation is on track. The injury on the economy and on the political front is in its worst form. America will come back. And, Trump may get another term, even though the establishment is trying its level best to prevent him from getting a second chance. Let us see what happens.
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