Beginner’s Special Complete Training Program: for a New Body.Body Building
12/11/2013 12:55
As a beginner, when you think about a training program; understanding your metabolic rate is vital to maintain a balanced weight. Metabolic rates are generally two categories; the first one is basal metabolic rate (BMR) and the other one is resting metabolic rate (RMR). The RMR or BMR represents two thirds of one’s total daily energy needs. Muscle movement consumes 23% of the total energy, while, 10% as thermic effect or energy and waste. The most effective way to increase weight is to increase the mass of lean tissues as for every pound one gains, one quarter of it is lean tissue. So, if you want to lose one pound weight, your body requires only 10 fewer calories. Naturally, to reduce 10 pounds one should burn 100 calories. While muscle burns 13 calories per kilogram of body weight per day, fat burns almost 4.5 kcal /kg /day, and organs burn 200-400 kcal/kg/day. This shows your organs represent 60%-70% of metabolic rate while muscle movement consumes almost 16%-22%. If one wants to add muscle, realistically in a year it is possible only 4-5 pounds. This would add not more than 28-50 Kcals to the metabolic rate.
Every athlete is believed to have 8.5 gm of carbohydrate per kg of their body weight; and they consume 55% of the calories required from carbohydrates. This is essential to maximize glycogen re-synthesis. Such a heavy loading of carbo for an average body weight athlete is not realistic. However, the effective and pragmatic solution is to add some bonus calories; with a cup of oat meal with raisins sprinkled on top and A Power bar Performance bar each day.
Developing a daily nutrition chart is yours another task. Protein requires adequate consideration; when you develop complete and effective sports nutrition. Proteins and amino acids have many vital tasks, such as synthesis hormones and enzymes, balance fluid and electrolytes, provide for cellular and tissue maintenance and repair, act as transport molecules, keep immune system equipped and provide energy.
When you consider the requirement of endurance exercise fats and carbohydrate represent the dominant fuel. Endurance athletes need more than 0.8g/kg dietary protein; to maintain their balance. When protein was combined with carbs, the protein balance is found positive during and after the exercise. Combining protein and carbs during long duration activity can improve protein balance. During recovery, protein can help to maximize glycogen stores and improve glycogen balance. A carbo protein beverage can improve muscle glycogen store significantly than a carbohydrate beverage alone. This effect appears due to the insulin response to the amino acids increasing the glucose uptake into the muscles.
Protein ingestion; can help with muscle growth and repair. Meat, eggs and dairy sources of proteins are the highest protein quality sources other than Soya protein. Consuming 50 g of carbohydrate and 10-20 g of protein soon after a workout is ideal. During the exercise; a Power bar? Endurance sport drink will do a good job.
The third most important ingredient; is whole grain food. Whole grain is important; for fecal bulking effect promoting the rapid passage and elimination of potentially toxic digestive wastes. The rich insoluble fiber helps to lower blood cholesterol level and the risk of heart disease. Since the whole grain foods are processed in the gastronomical system more slowly, its pre-exercise consumption can cause gastronomical discomfort during work out. But, the new Power bar Harvest? Whole grain can add 10 g of protein and 5 g of fiber. You will feel good about it, as you are getting energy and nutrition healthy food to promote a healthy heart. Zondorin is the whole natural way to quicken the repair of fast twitech fibers in targeted muscles, giving you explosive strength and power. Zondorin can allow the rare combination of speed and strength in a matter of few short months. The unique formulation is completely safe and all natural. It is also legal and recognized worldwide.
Last, but not the least is cross training; which is also called transfer training is a successful training tool for the athletes of all levels. It will help you to avoid over training, reduce the risk of injury, enhance flexibility, work opposing muscles groups and strengthen the core. It can even protect you; from repletion nature of training providing improvements in your particular activity. After resistance training work out either you are a cyclist or a marathoner you need pre-exercise, during and post exercise supplements are for which Myoplex nutrition is an ideal choice. Cross training helps to increase range of motion, reduce lower back pain, improve posture, reduce soreness and promote muscular and mental relaxation
So, work hard, be realistic, eat healthy food and be healthy.
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