News -Europe -UK

  • 26/05/2022 12:32

    A nuclear attack and a thermonuclear bomb in the ocean may wash out Britain from the world map

    IVT Global News Agency/UK and Russia A nuclear attack and a thermonuclear bomb in the ocean may wash out Britain from the world map. Is the loss of Hillary Clinton to Trump in the Election prompting Democratic President Biden to plot retaliation against Putin and destabilize Russia? There is news,...

  • 08/03/2022 21:37

    The Western media's eroding credibility and the shifting trend of news

    The real loser in the Russian and Ukrainian wars is not Zelensky, but the western media! The hypocrisy of the global media giants has been unveiled, and the real colour of the so-called unbiased media's stands for justice, freedom, and democracy has been exposed, resulting in their brand image...

  • 25/11/2021 19:20

    The English Channel becoming the graveyard of refugees, Johnson and Marcon lock horns.

      The migrates try to save their own life and their families from the war-torn regions and the countries like Syria, Iraq and other places like Afghanistan. They try their best to reach some rich countries where they expect to have a better life than the life they had in their war-torn,...

  • 23/11/2021 20:55

    The Belarusian President is under attack from the European leaders

      The Belarusian President is under attack from the European leaders      The pandemic-related crisis, both economically and socially, forced the nations to be strict. While the Belarusian President, Alexander Lukashenko, is under attack from the European leaders...

  • 11/09/2021 22:18

    Prince Charles of the UK is currently landed in a scandal

    Prince Charles of the UK is currently landed in a scandal as his associate and CEO was suspected to be involved in helping a rich donor of the Charles charity foundation to get him a reputed award. This recommendation and influence eroded the reputation of prince Charles. Being stained with his...

  • 02/04/2016 11:38


    France may face economic erosion as many Millionaires left France last year and the trend is going on. None knows what force them leave the country but the reality is here to cherish. The security threat is one of the reasons. India is one of the destinations they can check in to do business and...

  • 17/11/2015 11:30

    #IVT News: French jets bombing ISIS strongholds

    French jets bombing ISIS strongholds in Syria won’t help,and the tacticcould worsen the situation. What happened when the US waged war against Iraq? No war was won, but only loss of capital in the world market and on international platforms. This is a psychological issue. Muslims were hurt and...

  • 25/10/2015 11:32

    @IVTNews #Tony Blair regrets invading Iraq.

    Tony Blair regrets invading Iraq. It costs America most and the Western world lost its influence across the world. He called Saddam Husain a dictator! Something shameful, because invading a sovereign country is the biggest dictatorship. The real dictator is this ho invaded Iraq. They had claimed...


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News -Europe- EU

  • 18/04/2016 11:24


       The Pope joins refuge saving campaign turn to be a host giving asylum to many Syrian families. The war is the outcome of the Arabian spring organized and masterminded by the west to get rid of the rulers. But, it back fired many nations started imploding and caught up in the middle of...

  • 28/03/2016 17:29


    Brussels witnessed ugly episode again when the Nazis shouted slogan against the refugees. Now, the world is in a mess, none knows what will happen tomorrow. The revival of Nazism, departure of UK from EU, France leaving EU and NATO, and the other countries follow the suit may end the EU’s...

  • 27/03/2016 11:58


    Denizens are famous for less work and relaxed life. But, they chose to grab poor asylum- -seeker’s valuables. This is not less than the crime Nazis committed - –selling hair and gold tooth of the dead Jews after the holocaust and sold in the market. Though Nazis retracted the instinct still...

  • 20/11/2015 12:01

    #IVT News :The European Union has launched a $2 billion package for Africa

    The European Union has launched a $2 billion package for Africa to insulate the EU from the flood of refugees. The amount is in addition tothe regular annual fund of $20 billion for the African regionto support projects that combat poverty, slow down migration and speed up repatriation programs.The...

News -Europe-General

  • 27/03/2016 11:59


      Pontiff –the #pope has washed the feet of Hindus and Muslims. It is hypocrisy. If the Popes would have insisted Bush and Blair company to restrain from entering the war in Iraq and bombing innocents killing millions and amputating more than that, it would have been appreciated. If both the...

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