News - Asia -Russia

  • 28/04/2016 19:23


    •    The Russian submarine had to wake up for operation and prowling after long years of gap and hibernation as the NATO started swallowing one after another of the former Soviet states coming closer to Russia. The Russia sensed the danger and pushed the Subs towards the Pacific...

  • 31/03/2016 11:40


    #IVTNEWS     •    According to Kerry ISIS responsible for genocide, but the American force had done many times more than the terrorists have done, s time has come to rectify the past mistake by apologizing to them the world and the compensating for the victims. When...

  • 23/03/2016 19:03


     Obama asked Putin to stop the attack on rebel camps, but that is what Russia really wanted and engaged itself in a risky war in Syria lost Pilots and Sukhoi. Sponsor of the #IVTNEWS:    

  • 05/11/2015 11:29

    #IVTNews:The Asian continent recently has experienced multiple air crashes.

    The Asian continent recently has experienced multiple air crashes.Earlier it was Malaysian Airways, now a Russian airliner.The Asian region is enmeshed in the turmoil of terrorism, and air attacks, missiles and guns spit fire every minute. At the same time the West is reeling under economic...

  • 30/10/2015 11:50

    #IVTNews:Russia started taking the part active role in maneuvering the world.

    Russia started taking the part active role in maneuvering the world. The Russian interference in Syria to protect the neighbor from annexed by the NATO –using rebels, the Russian submarines and spy planes are moving much closer to the Pacific region. Russia is showing its belligerent attitude as...

News - Asia -China

  • 28/04/2016 19:22


      The Chinese research finally found daylight ever since they got Nobel Prize for the Chinese medicine last year. Now China is racing to decode the Genetic code and to edit it. This move can solve many chronic problems including genetically transmitted illness. Sometime later the genetic code...

  • 18/04/2016 11:21


    #IVTNEWS •     China now becomes the hub of human trafficking something the maximum victims are woman and children across the world. None needs the man though the life of man is more painful and tiring that woman. Sponsor of the News:

  • 02/04/2016 11:37


      China helps North Korea survive sanctions. The so-called sanction of the western block lost its relevance in today’s world. When the NATO hegemony reaches the border of Russia again, Russia may give out micro nuclear weapons to the hands of the terrorists to use in the EU and North America....

  • 27/10/2015 11:33

    #IVTNews The US warship went very closer to the artificial islands

    The US warship went very closer to the artificial islands created by China, a challenge to the Chinese aggression in the South China Sea, a threat all small neighbors are facing these days. The Chinese global ambition is guided by its economic prosperity which in wane these days and it will not...

  • 26/10/2015 11:09

    #IVTNews :#China is still going on with its crackdown

    China is still going on with its crackdown on its citizen’s attempt to get access to the blocked internet contents that the authorities feel harms the entire national interest of China. They feel the external forces can post contest that would entice the citizens to raise again its voice against...

News - Asia -China

  • 28/04/2016 19:22


      The Chinese research finally found daylight ever since they got Nobel Prize for the Chinese medicine last year. Now China is racing to decode the Genetic code and to edit it. This move can solve many chronic problems including genetically transmitted illness. Sometime later the genetic code...

  • 18/04/2016 11:21


    #IVTNEWS •     China now becomes the hub of human trafficking something the maximum victims are woman and children across the world. None needs the man though the life of man is more painful and tiring that woman. Sponsor of the News:

  • 02/04/2016 11:37


      China helps North Korea survive sanctions. The so-called sanction of the western block lost its relevance in today’s world. When the NATO hegemony reaches the border of Russia again, Russia may give out micro nuclear weapons to the hands of the terrorists to use in the EU and North America....

  • 27/10/2015 11:33

    #IVTNews The US warship went very closer to the artificial islands

    The US warship went very closer to the artificial islands created by China, a challenge to the Chinese aggression in the South China Sea, a threat all small neighbors are facing these days. The Chinese global ambition is guided by its economic prosperity which in wane these days and it will not...

  • 26/10/2015 11:09

    #IVTNews :#China is still going on with its crackdown

    China is still going on with its crackdown on its citizen’s attempt to get access to the blocked internet contents that the authorities feel harms the entire national interest of China. They feel the external forces can post contest that would entice the citizens to raise again its voice against...

News - Asia-China

  • 06/10/2021 20:08

    Why is China determined to invade Taiwan?

    China feels the presence of Taiwan as an independent nation invites America into the South China Sea, and China knows that it can easily take over Taiwan like Tibet anytime it wants. However, now the world community is determined to force China to give up its ambition of unified China with Taiwan...

  • 25/09/2021 13:00

    The global leaders are coming closer to take China

          The global leaders are coming closer to take China The world has moved from the fear of pandemic, and the global leaders are coming closer to take China as soon as possible. This attempt seems to have been triggered by the gossip in the world that China has...

  • 12/02/2019 00:10

    US War Ships challenge China in the South China Sea

    Two American warships cross the South Cina Sea...amid war of words both the Economy front and the Political front between two nation for a long time. This is a challenge for both countries to find an amicable solution to maintain tranquility in the region. China feels the US presence in the...

News - Asia - Middle East

  • 22/11/2021 22:42

    Offering the olive leaves of peace by the Middle East nations; UAE foreign minister meets Abbas regime in Syria for the first time after the last war.

    Offering the olive leaves of peace by the Middle East nations; UAE foreign minister meets Abbas regime in Syria for the first time after the last war.   The ferocious war between the Abbas army and the rebels supported by the Western powers has bled the nation enough and...

  • 16/09/2021 22:43

    In Qatar exploitation of migrant labourers

    Qatar is coming under the cloud of exploitation of migrant labourers as they are forced to live in a camp where water, sanitation and medical facilities are almost nil. At the same time, these workers were working on building a stadium and infrastructure for the World Cup 2022, hosted by Qatar.If...

  • 30/03/2016 11:57


    Iran is the country which imposes laws even on the delegates of the foreign countries. Hijab is mandatory for any female foreign dignitaries visits Iran even if they are from the west. The guests follow the law to be there.   #IVTNEWS: sponsor:...

  • 22/03/2016 16:53


    Time has to dumb Israel from the American foreign policy to save American taxpayers money spending in the war. It caused war and refugee problems in the world. Many developed countries sinking into crisis one after another. Welcome, commonsense.    Sponsor of the...

  • 23/10/2015 12:05

    #IVTNews Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has ignited another bomb

    ·         Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has ignited another bomb in the middle of the Middle East crisis, saying that the Holocaust was really the brain child of Jerusalem's then-grand mufti, Haj Amin al-Husseini. The latter had met Hitler in...

  • 22/10/2015 11:58

    #IVTNews:The Assad Government seeks help from the Russian government

    The Assad Government seeks help from the Russian government and Syrian president Bashar al-Assad has flown to Russia for further planning and coordination with the Russian raid on the CIA and EU sponsored rebels who are trying to expel Assad from power. So far the raid was praised by even the NATO...


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News - Asia-Japan

  • 20/11/2015 11:59

    #IVT News: The GDP of Japan retractingby 0.8% again causes worry

     The GDP of Japan retractingby 0.8% again causes worry in the world’s third largest economy.  A massive bond-buying campaign, coupled with structural reforms and stimulus, have failed to give any visible results in the economy. The prime minister is now struggling to defend his...

News - Asia-Koreas

  • 16/12/2017 11:17

    Ffind a peaceful solution

      South Korea and North Korea will meet soon to find a peaceful solution for the clash masterminded by their invaders—the people who divided Korea on the grounds of ideology. It is the wisdom of both leaders that will unite the Koreas and reconvert all South Koreans who were converted...

  • 28/04/2016 19:21


    •    North Korea’s nuclear ambition is not different from that of Pakistan, but it is keeping the nuclear arsenal as a defense from the foreign threat on their sovereignty, so did India do, the Indian nuclear arsenal was a defense against China and still it is. The sponsor of the...

  • 26/03/2016 13:12


    Kerry’s diplomatic endeavour to get North Korea tamed halting its Nuclear adventure reached nowhere when China refused to put any more pressure on North Korea as they don’t have that much influence on the present N-Korean regime. Win peace.   Sponsor of #IVTNEWS:...

News - Asia- South Asia

  • 16/12/2017 11:19

    China and India breed revenge

    China and India breed revenge on each other. In 1962 China invaded Indian Territory and took away a lot of land. No Indian soldiers went to the Chinese border to face China, and China didn’t return since India grew faster and became a military power. China feels it will shadow its super-power...

  • 28/03/2016 17:29


    •    Pakistani minorities are the target now, the bible and Koran entered a direct war between each other. This war will end when one community is completely wiped out. One side NATO and on the other side the covert war between the Russian and the Chine arms equipped group. The...

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