Brexit—a revolutionary decision by the British to get out of the European Union. Now they have to deal with the whirlwind that follows. If Britain leaves quickly, they will suffer; if they  delay, again they will suffer. The lame-duck government of Theresa May may find no easy way to simply walk away. Yet, another election may lead Britain into more troubles. EU appears to be sinking, and it eventually will. Why? Because Europe was built on the wealth of colonialism and the sweat and blood of slavery, unethical trade practices and greed. EU was formed to

exploit the Third World—exploiting their natural resources to feed industrial Europe. Times have changed...wake up Europe.


  • 12/07/2017 10:44

    China makes its footprint in Africa

    China makes its footprint in Africa in a big way by launching a $3.8 million high-speed railway in Kenya. It is an important move for China, who is betting on returns from Asian  neighbors with this economic corridor and with investments, now extending its tentacles to surround weaker nations...


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    Get 14% return per annum for your investment.

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