
  • 03/11/2018 10:36

    Apple lost 1 trillion in the evaluation,

    iPhone is one of the most expensive products in the market, and it has helped the Company-apple earn more revenue. But, the Company lost 1trillion in the evaluation, surprisingly. The iPad-was a revolutionary product, even then it didn’t meet the Warren Buffet theory-that insists on less...

  • 07/07/2012 16:43

    Selling Short

    Selling short is a market transaction technique commonly used to profit from the falling price of stock shares. It is accomplished by a broker allowing transactions under terms of a Contract for Difference, or CFD. Proceeds of the sale are...

  • 07/07/2012 16:38

    Understanding a Futures Contract

      A futures contract refers to a standard contract to buy or sell a particular commodity of standard quality at a particular date in the future. It is also set at a price that is determined by the market. These contracts are traded on the futures exchange. They are not...


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  • 08/11/2013 13:23

    World News Flash

    ·         John Kerry has delayed his visit to Geneva to strike a peace deal on Iran’s nuclear program. The sources say there may be a positive deal between the US and Iran soon. But, there is no justification of asking Iran to stop its nuclear program by the...

  • 06/11/2013 10:57

    World News Flash

    ·         Virginia election to choose the next Governor results boost the Democratic hope further after the shameful shut down.   ·         India’s Mars Mission made the nation join the elite of the Mars explorer...

  • 06/10/2013 10:43

    A digital baby screen now can show the baby

    ·         A digital baby screen now can show the baby and the potential disease its can have after weaving the DNA of the donors and their potential parents. Now, the sperm recipients’ can see the baby’s even before the conceive it. This is a revolution in...

  • 02/10/2013 10:51

    Health News

    World Health Organization says 74,000 lives could be saved each year through better diagnosis and treatment of child TB. Average 200 children below 15 ages die from TB per day.  At present $120 Million fund waiting to be spent to treat this preventable and curable yet deadly disease. A...

  • 09/06/2011 17:48

    Latest NewsUpdate

     ·       Tokyo topped suicide rate in Japan after devastating Tsunami. ·       US became the first customer of oil from rebel controlled Libya; a compensation for the US for supporting revolt against...

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  • 03/10/2013 10:43

    Hong Kong’s stock exchange was humiliated

    · Hong Kong’s stock exchange was humiliated by China’s Business giant Alibaba as the latter has decided to not list the Company in the Hong Kong stock exchange. This is a real question many major players who had listed in the exchange is going to answer…if they are commited a mistake! And should...

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