
  • 13/12/2013 15:59

    News Flash

      The Ukrainian leadership finally made mind to sign the deal to join European Union. The people and the authorities were fighting for some time. But, the cold war era may begin soon. Now, the EU is at the Russain courtyard. 

  • 10/12/2013 13:57

    World News Flash

    ·         Without leaving any media to go untouched the US and UK spying over the virtual games that could be used by the terrorists from anywhere in the world to communicate and train their recruits on war games and infiltration and operation.  But, how...

  • 06/12/2013 14:13

    News Flash

    Nelson Mandela – No more. World mourns. He was 95.

  • 03/12/2013 12:15

    World News Flash

      ·         The US Vice-President John Biden asked China and Japan to reduce tension in the region. China has warned both India and Japan against any attempt to cross the air and land boundary claimed by it in the respective region. The aggression of...

  • 25/11/2013 12:57

    World News Flash

      ·         Though the world hailed the Iranian nuclear deal there is a country that really criticizes it-Israel. They are responsible for the global terrorism today and the damage has caused the world by the terrors. If there will be another world war...

  • 21/11/2013 12:55

    Wolrd News Flash

      ·         The US and Afghan have reached a new security pact that goes beyond 2024. But, a mutual agreement can dissolve the pact any time.   ·         Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae or CRE detected...

  • 19/11/2013 15:34

    World News Flash

    Indonesia protested on Australia’s spying on them. Not only the US but most of the countries seem to have involved in spying on each other. The ethics on diplomacy has come to an end. Now, the latest technology helps everyone to spy on anyone. The nation spies on its own citizens and the...

  • 15/11/2013 13:09

    World News Flash

            ·        Saudi Arabia’s crack down on illegal migrants started hurting the conscience of world community. The death toll is rising in rapid rate. Time had come to intervene by the world Human Right...

  • 13/11/2013 10:43

    World News Flash

      ·         Israel will reconsider its earlier plan to construct 20, 000 houses in the West Bank. Day by day Israel is becoming completely isolated from the world community. America can’t afford any more war in the Middle East to please its...

  • 10/11/2013 11:59

    World News Flash

      ·         The murky events of September 11, 2012," that left a U.S. ambassador and three other Americans dead turned hot again I the US now The event again catches attention as a Republican member wants more details of the...

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  • 04/07/2012 15:08

    New Vacancies

    1. We are looking for Journalists who can post Hot News every day. This is not a paid position but you can build portfolio. We will pay from the revenue generated from the Ads. 75%   2. We are an online Communication Company- Undertakes Advertising and Marketing Promotion strategies,...


  • 15/09/2021 19:56

    Korean Peninsula heating up

    Both North and South Korea firing missiles to frighten one another seems to be a joke. These brothers and sisters in the peninsula are being controlled by Chiba and the Western powers respectively. The Westerners already took part in many military exercises creating more confusion. It is certain...

  • 20/10/2015 16:04

    #IVT News – Thought & Commonsense of the Day:Bin Laden May be Still Alive!!! May be Under the US ...Under CIA!

    ·         Bin Laden May be still alive ...may be under CIA custody!!! ·         Then Pak Army Chief, General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani must have clear cut information about Bin Laden's secret place in Abottabad in...

  • 20/10/2015 12:21

    #IVTNews: Justin Trudeau's Liberal party won an absolute majority in #Canada

    ·         Justin Trudeau's Liberal party won an absolute majority giving a farewell to the existing  Prime Minister Stephen Harper who had been in the helm since 2006. Canada yearned for a change in the existing political and economic scenario. ...

  • 13/10/2015 05:00

    #IVTNews: #Mao’s Project-523 has won #Nobel Prize

      Mao’s Project-523 has won Nobel Prize for Chinese Doctor. Traditional Chinese medicine and scripts carry many solutions for today’s ailing world. The only thing we have to do is to invest and invent them-Those are discarded scripts branding them as old and outdated. Many Sanskrit scriptures...

  • 13/10/2015 04:46

    #IVTNews: An accidental US air strike on the Doctors without Border

    An accidental US air strike on the Doctors without Border in the Afghan region invited protest nd President Barak Obama apologize for the same and ordered an independent investigation. It was an attack on Geneva Convention, the protestors said.   Buy Book on:...

  • 09/10/2015 13:00

    #IVTNews: The psychological war against the Russian

    The psychological war against the Russian involvement to save the Assad Regime in Syria and the disappointment of the NATO forces failing to throw the regime gets thicken day by day. Russian forces have bombed many targets of rebels who get support from NATO and they have launched a psychological...

  • 01/10/2015 16:03

    #IVTNes-World News weekend review #India’s National Capital has witnessed many comic shows

    India’s National Capital has witnessed many comic shows these days, the last one was Delhi MLA Somnath Bharati’s wife –who had filed a domestic violence case against him and the Woman’s right commission has blown it up to humiliate the MLA, in the end of the event the court refused him even basic...

  • 01/10/2015 15:52

    #IVTNews-#World News weekend review

    Obama warns Russia and Iran against any misadventure to support the Assad Regime. He warns them that more danger ahead and the US will not support anyone who supports Assad regime. To de-thorn Assad regime, the rebel had done many things to drag America into the war. But, Obama was intelligent and...

  • 12/07/2014 10:34


    Israel and Ukraine are one of the most tensed wars torn areas in the world today. So long as the developed countries supply arms to the rebels in the both region there will be tension always.

  • 15/05/2014 11:00

    News Flash

      The Mine disaster makes Turkey mourn. The mine workers life has always been overlooked by Governments and rate-hole mines are the most dangerous in the world.  Open Mines should be the norm across the world.   China flexes muscle on its all neighbors. The latest one is with the...

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