
  • 07/01/2014 13:06

    Car Battery Maintenance

    It's important that every car owner knows that the battery in their car should be changed every four years.  Consider it to be a rule of thumb, as the battery performs at a diminished rate after this period and will have to be replaced.  A load test should be performed every month by an...

  • 11/12/2013 11:28

    Importance of Antifreeze

      Antifreeze prevents a automobile's cooling system from succumbing to the physical stresses and deformation caused by expansion that occurs when water turns into ice.  Most antifreezes are made up of chemical compounds that are added to water, therefore reducing the freezing point of the...

  • 11/12/2013 11:22

    Car Accident Personal Injury Attorney

      Some attorneys specialize in personal injury cases resulting from automobile accidents. They know how to best approach both common and unusual situations in their particular field, which may relate specifically to cars or to trucks. A person looking for this type of legal help should...

Automobile News

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How to Clean Your Car

 Cleaning your car’s interior is not just a cosmetic advantage it also improves your health.  Dirt and grime get into the fibers, wreaking havoc on your respiratory system.  It’s also a breeding ground for germs.  Every time you are in your car you drop hair, dead skin, and make-up.  If you eat in your car, you’re dropping crumbs or spilling liquids.  Here are some tips for cleaning your car’s upholstery and stains.  To make it fun and quick, grab someone to help and bribe them with pizza after your cleaning session.


Dirt and grease can be removed by rubbing on paint thinner with a cotton cloth.  Cover the stain with salt until all the grease is absorbed, and then vacuum.  Coffee spills should be immediately diluted with cool water and blotted with a paper towel or clean rag.  If a stain remains after drying, spray glass cleaner and allow it to soak for 5 minutes and then blot.  Wet stains can usually be removed with a salt-water solution.  However, if this doesn’t work, try hairspray or paint thinner.  You should test an area first to make sure the fabric isn’t stained further.


When cleaning the carpet, make sure the floorboard doesn’t get too wet.  There are electronic parts underneath and could be damaged if they become wet.  It’s best to remove floor mats from the car when cleaning.  Some cars allow you to remove the seats which make for easier cleaning and reduce the amount of moisture inside.  Dry powder or dry foam carpet shampoos are best for cleaning this area.  Make sure to vacuum first.  This includes the floor, under the seats, between the pedals and between the seats.  Along with carpet shampoos, upholstery shampoo is also a good investment.  All you have to do is spray the cleaner and rub vigorously.  When the stain is gone, wipe it with a dry, cotton cloth.


For stains from vomit, dilute and neutralize them with baking soda and water or club soda.  Make sure to dry the area thoroughly so it doesn’t corrode, stain or create mold.  To remove blood stains use a paste made of dry starch and cold water.  For beer and alcohol, dilute with cold water immediately.


For non-cloth interiors like vinyl, wipe with baking soda and a damp rag.  Use dishwasher detergent and water to rinse.  For leather interiors, use leather cleaner with a soft, clean, cotton towel.  Wipe gently, making sure to get all the edges and crevices.  Also, when using leather care products, make sure the steering wheel is completely dry before you drive


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  • 08/11/2013 13:23

    World News Flash

    ·         John Kerry has delayed his visit to Geneva to strike a peace deal on Iran’s nuclear program. The sources say there may be a positive deal between the US and Iran soon. But, there is no justification of asking Iran to stop its nuclear program by the...

  • 06/11/2013 10:57

    World News Flash

    ·         Virginia election to choose the next Governor results boost the Democratic hope further after the shameful shut down.   ·         India’s Mars Mission made the nation join the elite of the Mars explorer...

  • 06/10/2013 10:43

    A digital baby screen now can show the baby

    ·         A digital baby screen now can show the baby and the potential disease its can have after weaving the DNA of the donors and their potential parents. Now, the sperm recipients’ can see the baby’s even before the conceive it. This is a revolution in...

  • 02/10/2013 10:51

    Health News

    World Health Organization says 74,000 lives could be saved each year through better diagnosis and treatment of child TB. Average 200 children below 15 ages die from TB per day.  At present $120 Million fund waiting to be spent to treat this preventable and curable yet deadly disease. A...

  • 09/06/2011 17:48

    Latest NewsUpdate

     ·       Tokyo topped suicide rate in Japan after devastating Tsunami. ·       US became the first customer of oil from rebel controlled Libya; a compensation for the US for supporting revolt against...

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  • 04/07/2012 15:08

    New Vacancies

    1. We are looking for Journalists who can post Hot News every day. This is not a paid position but you can build portfolio. We will pay from the revenue generated from the Ads. 75%   2. We are an online Communication Company- Undertakes Advertising and Marketing Promotion strategies,...

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