Article archive

  • 18/04/2016 11:21


    #IVTNEWS •     China now becomes the hub of human trafficking something the maximum victims are woman and children across the world. None needs the man though the life of man is more painful and tiring that woman. Sponsor of the News:

  • 15/04/2016 18:38


      |#IVTNEWS   * Gay marriage is the most controversial news across the world these days. Unfortunately, none is ready to accept the third gender as a reality and allow them marry and live. Some laws have to be rectified and a new one has to be passed, but the reality is that the third...

  • 12/04/2016 17:19


        #IVTNEWS   * Brazil finally found a way to get away the tainted leader – the President, oust him from the premises by impeaching, if the leader fails to resign. The tussle between the opposition and the ruling group has been going on sometime ever since the news of corruption...

  • 11/04/2016 18:26


    #IVTNEWS: * The #Trump baiters are posting Satire on the web- as they believe the world is going to submerge if Trump is in the white house. Trump is the need of the hour for America, or else the next presidential election will not take place, before that the America as a nation may even vanish...

  • 09/04/2016 17:11


    #IVTNEWS •    North Korea is the last destination Barak Obama should visit before he demits his office setting new trends in the American foreign policy of hatred to a policy accommodation of every ideology. If the US fails to adore the new reality America is the one going to suffer...

  • 08/04/2016 19:40


      #IVTJOBS     IT Specialist Function          Information Technology Country           United States City/Town       Chicago Employee...

  • 08/04/2016 19:33


    #IVTNEWS •    Panama Papers storm started taking one after another political head. It has reached the UK territories and blowing above 300 KM per hour speed. Many weak politicians and secret dealing have to surrender or they will blow away like insects, ruin their carriers and many...

  • 06/04/2016 18:09


    #IVTNEWS         •    Though the race for the white house is heating up with the summer, the world is looking at the US election with surprise as the candidates of the Democratic party have already accepted the defeat, especially, Hillary Clinton, the Trump’s...

  • 04/04/2016 19:51


    #IVTNEWS                   * #Trump is against funding for the Japanese security anymore. He needs the money for the welfare of the Americans. America finally advises Japan and its allies to pay their due...

  • 02/04/2016 11:38


    France may face economic erosion as many Millionaires left France last year and the trend is going on. None knows what force them leave the country but the reality is here to cherish. The security threat is one of the reasons. India is one of the destinations they can check in to do business and...

Items: 71 - 80 of 334
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