Article archive
06/06/2016 16:49
#IVT News
#IVT News • Hillary Clinton has become the first lady who won a major party’s’ nomination to the white house, while she is also the first woman who lost another Democratic candidate and became his own secretary of state, buried under huge election campaign loans then and...
24/05/2016 11:06
#IVTNEWS • #Trump is the man of the year, surviving with this much resistance and criticism from the opponents and the world leaders he will sail across and reach the white house. The world may not be ready to accept him but America needs him now for the next eight...
23/05/2016 18:06
MAUI—A VOLCANO-MADE PACIFIC PARADISE Manytourists’dream destinationtoday, Mauiwas formed centuries ago from the overlapping of lava flows from two low-lying, shield-shaped volcanos along the chain of volcanos we know as Hawaii. The overlap of the lava flows formed a narrow land mass, or isthmus,...
28/04/2016 19:25
• Ford Motors started taking the market selling more cars across the world making a quantum jump in profit with 10% increase. The sponsor of the News:
28/04/2016 19:24
• The US economy is not northward but stagnates for some time though not worsened. This is due to the change of attitude of the Americans who learned live a simple life cutting holidays and extravaganza. The sponsor of the News:
28/04/2016 19:23
• The Russian submarine had to wake up for operation and prowling after long years of gap and hibernation as the NATO started swallowing one after another of the former Soviet states coming closer to Russia. The Russia sensed the danger and pushed the Subs towards the Pacific...
28/04/2016 19:22
The Chinese research finally found daylight ever since they got Nobel Prize for the Chinese medicine last year. Now China is racing to decode the Genetic code and to edit it. This move can solve many chronic problems including genetically transmitted illness. Sometime later the genetic code...
28/04/2016 19:21
• North Korea’s nuclear ambition is not different from that of Pakistan, but it is keeping the nuclear arsenal as a defense from the foreign threat on their sovereignty, so did India do, the Indian nuclear arsenal was a defense against China and still it is. The sponsor of the...
28/04/2016 19:20
#Trump’s foreign policy of isolationism is good for America and the American, as he is positive because the intervention policy of America for everything and for everyone and everywhere has brought the mighty America into a weak nation today. To bring America into its old glory the American policy...
18/04/2016 11:24
The Pope joins refuge saving campaign turn to be a host giving asylum to many Syrian families. The war is the outcome of the Arabian spring organized and masterminded by the west to get rid of the rulers. But, it back fired many nations started imploding and caught up in the middle of...