Article archive
25/11/2021 19:20
The English Channel becoming the graveyard of refugees, Johnson and Marcon lock horns.
The migrates try to save their own life and their families from the war-torn regions and the countries like Syria, Iraq and other places like Afghanistan. They try their best to reach some rich countries where they expect to have a better life than the life they had in their war-torn,...
23/11/2021 20:55
The Belarusian President is under attack from the European leaders
The Belarusian President is under attack from the European leaders The pandemic-related crisis, both economically and socially, forced the nations to be strict. While the Belarusian President, Alexander Lukashenko, is under attack from the European leaders...
22/11/2021 22:42
Offering the olive leaves of peace by the Middle East nations; UAE foreign minister meets Abbas regime in Syria for the first time after the last war.
Offering the olive leaves of peace by the Middle East nations; UAE foreign minister meets Abbas regime in Syria for the first time after the last war. The ferocious war between the Abbas army and the rebels supported by the Western powers has bled the nation enough and...
21/11/2021 23:13
Europe is facing a revolt of the citizens against the re-imposed vaccine rules.
Europe is facing a revolt of the citizens against the re-imposed vaccine rules. The most suffocated people in this world today are the European though they may not accept it. In the beginning, the European Union miserably failed to meet their dream and ambition...
11/10/2021 00:07
What lesson did America learn from Afghanistan?
Editorial What lesson did America learn from Afghanistan? The retreat of the American forces from the Afghan soil led to inviting many criticisms and loss of the rating of the Biden administration. If the American administration has any...
06/10/2021 20:08
Why is China determined to invade Taiwan?
China feels the presence of Taiwan as an independent nation invites America into the South China Sea, and China knows that it can easily take over Taiwan like Tibet anytime it wants. However, now the world community is determined to force China to give up its ambition of unified China with Taiwan...
06/10/2021 19:44
Year 2021- Nobel Prize for Chemistry Declared.
This year's Nobel Prize for Chemistry was awarded to the world of two scientists for their work on an ingenious tool for building molecules – which explains how to put together chemical molecules. These tools are helpful in developing medicines and chemicals. The discovery benefits...
30/09/2021 11:11
National Chess Day
National Chess Day Want to play the game of genius? Chess is a game where you do not need a big court and an athletic body and high calorie nutrition to play! You can play with your friends and family members; besides, you can play with the computer at your home. Chess games sharpen your mind...
25/09/2021 13:00
The global leaders are coming closer to take China
The global leaders are coming closer to take China The world has moved from the fear of pandemic, and the global leaders are coming closer to take China as soon as possible. This attempt seems to have been triggered by the gossip in the world that China has...
17/09/2021 20:47
AUKUS announces a joint front against China, surprises France
AUKUS announces a join front against China, startled France and, to an extend, Germany reducing the role of the EU which plays a second fiddle with China eyeing huge trade benefit with China now losing its imports.The French political circle has taken the news of AUKUS - a formation of hard policy...